Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mission: Charlotte's 14-Month Schedule

We have recently made a huge transition within our 4-hour schedule with Charlotte... We dropped the morning nap! I kept noticing that she wouldn't really sleep while she was upstairs in the morning, she would just play quietly in her crib or just kind of sit there. At her babysitter's house, it was the opposite... She would take her long nap in the morning (2 hours) and then just take a short nap (1 hour) in the afternoon which made her really "pleasant" to be around in the early evening! So I decided she was ready and showing the signs and we have officially dropped the nap.
I have mixed feelings about this and it's kind of bittersweet. On the plus side, it really frees up my mornings for errands and other things but at the same time I don't get that little bit of down time that I used to have! But she will sleep for about 3 hours in the afternoon now so I have an extra long time during that period.
Here is a sample of her current schedule (weekends included as they are slightly different in incorporate Gymboree and church). The reason she gets up a little bit later on Saturday mornings is to just help her make it through her Gymboree class... She starts to kind of lose it towards the end because she is so active and gets tired a little faster. We will probably try to adjust this as she gets a little older or just leave it until she enters the Level 4 class which starts about an hour before her current Level 3 class. I have also included an as needed nap in the morning part of the schedule just in case she is having a rough morning but so far we have not needed this.

Charlotte’s Schedule (14 months old)
Monday – Friday Schedule

7:30am: Wake up
7:45am: Breakfast (4oz. milk)
*10:00am – 11:00am: Nap, if needed
11:45pm: Lunch (4oz. milk)
1:00pm: Nap begins
4:00pm: Wake up
4:15pm: Snack (4oz. milk)
6:45pm: Dinner (4oz. milk)
7:30pm: Bath, brush teeth, story time
7:45pm: Bedtime

Saturday Schedule

8:00am: Wake up
8:15am: Breakfast (4oz. milk)
*9:30am – 10:30am: Nap, if needed
10:40am: Leave for Gymboree
11:10am – 11:55pm: Gymboree class
12:30pm: Lunch (4oz. milk)
1:30pm: Nap begins
4:00pm: Wake up
4:15pm: Snack (4oz. milk)
6:45pm: Dinner (4oz. milk)
7:30pm: Bath, brush teeth, story time
7:45pm: Bedtime

Sunday Schedule

7:30am: Wake up
7:45am: Breakfast (4oz. milk)
8:20am: Leave for church
9:00am – 10:30am: Church
12:00pm: Lunch (4oz. milk)
1:00pm: Nap begins
4:00pm: Wake up
4:15pm: Snack (4oz. milk)
6:45pm: Dinner (4oz. milk)
7:30pm: Bath, brush teeth, story time
7:45pm: Bedtime

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